The story of Paramnesia focuses on Detective Riley Stone, a Christian woman from the fictional city of Howeldale California. The story opens as Riley begins to have strangely vivid nightmares where she finds herself on the scene of several violent murders. Each morning following these visions, she is called to a real murder scene by Police Sergeant Orion to discover the scenes she dreamt played out exactly as she remembers from her dreams.
Each murder is linked by a number, presented as if it is military time, leading Riley to decide the murders are being committed by a serial killer. With the spiritual guidance of her brother Thomas Stone, Riley determines God is giving her these prophetic visions so that she can stop the killer. Join Riley and Thomas as they grapple with themes of deep introspection, self-doubt, questioning faith, questioning purpose, living with mental illness, and the dangers of becoming a false prophet. AfterWinter is beyond excited to share with you the work of the past 3+ years, culminating in an album that the band feels is the best of all things it has to offer! We know you are going to LOVE ‘Paramnesia’.
Today we debut the brand new album cover art designed by graphic artist Rafael Tavares Gripp and it is an exceptional masterpiece to go along with an epic story.